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Figure 01

Figure 01 is an advanced humanoid, designed to engage in multiple tasks. It is able to interact with its surrounding environment and work together with people. It can use AI to learn new tasks and perform skills just like humans. Although it has many possibilities, there are some potential issues such as privacy, deception, and loss of autonomy.


 Figure 01 is an advanced humanoid robot, also called the “moving Chat GPT”. It can convert commands they get into movements. What is significant about Figure 01 is that it can understand vague instructions like “give me something to eat.” and complete the task it was ordered to do. It can also explain the reason they took such action. Recently the company, Figure, has developed a newer type of Figure 01, Figure 02. It is expected that more humanoids like this will be developed in the future. Therefore, society as a whole must think about its impact and the potential issues they could have.

Description of Ethical Issues:

 There are two main issues that could arise from using this robot.

 First, Figure 01 could replace humans in various aspects of society. Figure 01 could replace human workers engaging in relatively simple jobs such as staff at the café. They could also be good companions because they are able to engage in complex conversation. Some people may become overly dependent on Figure 01. This may deteriorate human interaction.

 Second, immoderate expectations for robots may lead to robot bullying. One study showed that people abused robots when they were disappointed with their limited functions. This tendency is seen especially in children. Although robot bullying doesn’t harm robots themselves, people may become less resistant to bullying other humans if it is tolerated. This also becomes an issue when robots resemble certain race or group of people. Studies have shown that we treat robots differently by their color. If we forgive bullying towards robots with certain colors, we may exacerbate prejudices that already exist.

Scenario Description:

 The Smiths bought Figure 01 and decided to get one to take care of and entertain their son Johnny, instead of a human nanny. They thought that they could reduce the cost for hiring a nanny in the long term by getting Figure 01. However, after a while, they received a call from Johnny’s school about his problematic behavior. He often ordered other kids to do stuff and threw a tantrum when people didn’t listen. When the Smiths stayed home with him, they realized he was interacting with Figure 01 in a one-sided way and it mostly agreed to what Johnny was saying. The Smiths were shocked and decided to keep Johnny away from Figure 01.

Importance of Ethical Issues:

 Figure 01 can replace human workers to a certain extent, and we may become over reliant, causing issues like robot bullying. Different issues like deception and high expectation for robots, could also occur. Therefore, we must consider possible ethical issues.

Ethical Principles and Values:

 Society's desire for convenient life and safe, ethical society. Explain how these principles and values relate to the ethical issues.

Discussion of Possible Solutions:

 Deveopers should also advise customers about how to use Figure 01 and give solutions for possible issues. Furthermore, society as a whole should be wary about possible issues of Figure 01 and other humanoids.

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